The Management of Zanzottera Technologies S.r.l. (ZT), making the Quality Policy its own, aims to design, produce and market engines that give complete satisfaction to the requirements of the customers, compatible with the requests and market prices.
ZT has the aim of organizing various working activities and to give the right vision at all levels, customers – suppliers and personnel.
The commitment of the Management is to set the objectives that must be pursued by ZT among which the main one is Customer Satisfaction (The Customer of ZT is both internal and external to the same, at all working levels), pursuing the logic of development of work processes in the execution of design and production engines for UAV, providing high technology and quality and optimizing company resources.
The Management has delegated to the Quality Management Manager the authority to interrupt any work process if it is not consistent with the directives set out in the Quality Policy and with the indications defined in the Quality Manual. The management of the quality system implemented is carried out with a view to continuous improvement.
In this perspective, the Management is committed to achieving and maintaining the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Company Certification, adopting the measures and guaranteeing the necessary resources to ensure that the Quality perspective is adequately understood, guaranteed, applied and improved.
All the functions that are identified in the quality system are responsible for the application of the requirements contained in the Quality Manual for which they are responsible.
Any dispute is left to the Management.